Best practices for creating templates

Incorporate relevant product attributes in your image alt text and SEO metadata templates! This section serves as a helpful resource for optimising template creation. By showcasing examples, we hope that it offers guidance to ensure your templates are set up effectively.

Bad image alt text (no context)


Better (relevant and descriptive)

Paisley Bohemian Dress in Multicolour

Alt text template example

{% if %}{{ | split: ", " | join: " and "}} {{ai.pattern | downcase}}{% else %}{{ai.pattern}}{% endif %} {{ | downcase}} {{ai.subcategory | downcase}} {{ai.category | downcase | replace: "necklet", "" | replace: "neckwear", "" | replace: "bag", ""}}{% if ai.other %} with {{ai.other | downcase}}{% endif %} in {{ai.colors | downcase}} {{ai.material | downcase}}

Bad SEO title (too short)

Navy trouser

Better (specific and detailed)

Charlotte Dress | Bohemian & Feminine A-Line Dress | Reactify

Title template example

{{product.title}} | {{ | split: ", " | join: " & "}} {{ai.subcategory}} {{ai.category | replace: "Necklet", "" | replace: "Neckwear", "" | replace: "Bag", ""}} | {{product.vendor}}

Bad SEO description (list of keywords)

"Dress, cotton, paisley, multicolor, a-line"

Better (explains what the product is and details like where it's made)

Discover the perfect bohemian and feminine paisley a-line dress in multicolor cotton, ideal for summer wear from Reactify. Free shipping over $100.

Description template example

Discover the perfect {{ | split: ", " | join: " and " | downcase}} {{ai.pattern | downcase}} {{ | downcase}} {{ai.subcategory | downcase}} {{ai.category | downcase | replace: "necklet", "" | replace: "neckwear", "" | replace: "bag", ""}}{% if ai.other %} with {{ai.other | downcase}}{% endif %} in {{ai.colors | downcase}}{% if ai.material %} {{ai.material | downcase}}{% endif %}{% if ai.occasion %}, ideal for {{ai.occasion | split: ", " | join: " or " | downcase}} wear{% endif %} from {{product.vendor}}. Free shipping over $100.

Last updated

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