
This taxonomy feature allows you to personalise attributes so that the results match your brand terminology. For example, you can update the attribute value from Navy to Blue. The replacement term will appear as Blue for every attribute Navy value.

Example of an updated attribute type

See the list of attribute types.

Example of an updated attribute value

Suggested taxonomy for AU/UK English

By default, the results are in English (US). However, you can apply taxonomy to change the terms to match your language.

  • Attribute Type: Colors -> Colours

  • Attribute Value: Multicolor -> Multicolour

  • Attribute Value: Gray -> Grey

  • Attribute Type: Sweatpants -> Trackpants

By incorporating this suggested taxonomy, the app will display terms such as "colours" instead of "colors" and "grey" instead of "gray," aligning with the conventions of AU/UK English.

Last updated